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A Daily Devotion for Monday, Feb.1

Writer's picture: ontrakkontrakk

Matthew 8:1-4

Mark 1:40-45

Luke 5:12-15

These passages tell of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In each passage, the man tells Jesus he (Jesus) could heal him if he were willing. Jesus tells the man he is, indeed, willing. Jesus heals the man and tells him to pay at the temple what Moses had instructed. Jesus then asks the man to keep this encounter to himself, but the man does not.

These passages remind me of what we have been hearing about the fragrance of Christ. Jesus did not heal this one man solely to make his life better, or because of the man’s tremendous faith. He healed him in order to show others the love and power of God, and to draw others to God. His healed body in and of itself would be a testament to God’s love for us, and would have naturally drawn others to Jesus. Jesus was not after crowds, or showy acts of power.

These passages are a reminder to me of how God wants me to thank him for my blessings. The goal is always to win others to Christ by living as God would have me live. It is not the showy miracle but the love itself we are after.

Holy One, I am thankful for all you have done for me. May my life reflect your love for your creation. Amen

Becky, transforming

pic by Kay

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Matthew 8: 1-4, Mark 1: 40-45, Luke 5: 12-15

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