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A Daily Devotion for Monday, April 17

Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Sometimes it is so difficult to see past the present. We are, after all, living in the present. But if we are to have true faith, the faith as true as a child's, we must know there is an even better future ahead. For me, the details get in the way when I try to figure out exactly where and when and how I will eventually get there. But in the gospels, Jesus tells us our future will be with Him. I choose to believe.

Holy Lord, thank-you for your assurances. Thank-you for sending us Jesus, as a living breathing "Way" to you. I believe, and I look forward to a future with you. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
17 avr. 2023

Romans 8:18

This is a promise that Paul repeats a few times as does Peter. I’m sure it is meant as encouragement to those struggling in this world. It is a reminder that we should remember the glory promised in the next world. Well this may be difficult, we need to remember these words. This verse and others should be shared often as a reminder of greater things to come.

Prayer: gracious God, help me remember this promise of future glory during difficult times. Amen


17 avr. 2023

Romans 8:18 The letter to the Roman church is brimming with hope despite substantial hardships for both believers there as well as the man who wrote to them. I try to take as examples and emulate those who are able to navigate their trials, confident that not only will God provide in the here and now, but that the end of the story has been written and it is a spectacularly happy ending.

Prayer - God of my past, present and future, use me as You will. My future is in Your hands. Bring to my mind remembrance of the encouragement and hope of Paul when the going gets rough. Amen


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