Psalm 92: 4-15
verses 14-15: They shall bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing; to show that the Lord is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
I know things don’t always turn out well for good people here on earth. But this is why my faith in God and his promises is such a comfort to me. God has us in his hands for all eternity! Although I will leave this earth an old woman (and I am thankful for that), I still have all of eternity to be in God’s presence, and will not be limited by my age.
Lord above, you have plans for us, and I am grateful. I am thankful for all you have done for your creation, and for your promise to hold us for all eternity with you. You came to us as Jesus and promised us a future together with you. I am at peace knowing this. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
20200911 Fri, Daily Devotion - Psalm 92:4-15
[Psalms 92:4-6, NLT]
You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. O LORD, what great works you do! And how deep are your thoughts. Only a simpleton would not know, and only a fool would not understand this:
Psalmist focuses on what God has done and surprised and praised the great works He had done in his or her life. I think too many things these days rather than what God is doing and has done so far in my life. I give thanks and am grateful and praise Him when I focus on what He has done in my…
Psalms 92:1Would I want to be young again. I would say “If I knew than what I know now.” I remember my mother’s aunt saying to me “you listen to me girly” she was so wise and I would sit and listen to her as she always Had such good advise. She truly loved God. Honoring God is not limited to young people who seem to have unlimited strength and energy. Even in her old age my Aunt Florence was a devoted believer and as I read this scripture today , I thought about her because she certainly could produce good fruit. There are many faithful older people who continue to have a fresh outlook and can teach us from…
Psalm 92:7-8 - “though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever, but you, O Lord, are on high forever.”
There was a time I seethed with resentment when what seemed to be evil In my eyes flourished. Only after my faith matured a bit more did I realize God is God and I am not. God is Judge and I am not. God metes Justice in God’s time, not mine. Relieved of the responsibility to rule the universe, I am gloriously free to follow and worship the One who does.
Prayer - God of justice, I place my trust in You to guide our world with Your perfect blend of justice and…