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A Daily Devotion for Friday, March 3

Psalm 138:3

When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me.

I found and memorized this verse many years ago, and I have considered it my life verse ever since. I am not sure what translation I had been using at the time, but I remember, "When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted." I have to admit, the first half of the verse has given me the most comfort. But I know that God has responded to me for a reason, and because of God's love for me I can move forward boldly. He hears my prayers. He hears me when I call out to him with fear or anxiety or sadness. He gives me the peace to move forward, with boldness.

God above, I thank you for your presence in my life, every day, and every moment of every day. You have given me courage so many times, I know to come to you when I lack it. You will answer me. Help me to be bold and stouthearted. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Mar 17, 2023

Psalm 138:3

I do not remember reading this passage. I previously associated this concept with the Holy Spirit as described in the New Testament.

My personal 'take-away' from this Thursday's evening study is the importance of the Bible. I am guilty of taking it for granted.


Dear Lord please help me to better appreciate your care and guidance. Amen


Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Mar 17, 2023


March 17th ,2023

Psalm 138:3

On the day I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted

God answers prayers. It may not always be how I think He will answer, or how I think He should answer, but God hears my prayers, and He answers them. God makes me bold. True boldness comes from Christ. Meditating on the words of God, we can be full of boldness and success. God is more than capable of bringing me through anything. God will provide the strength I need for whatever I’m facing this week. It doesn’t say that He’ll remove the problem in front of me but He will provide the strength I need to come through …


Mar 17, 2023

Becky, I like your Life Verse! My one is 1T24~


Mar 17, 2023

Psalm 138:3 Calling on God must not be an “if,” but a “when” as the psalmist implies. As verses 1 and 2 demonstrate, when (there’s that word again) we call on God with thanksgiving and praise, God will reciprocate by strengthening our souls to meet the challenges we face.

Prayer - Faithful God, mighty to save, I look to You for the strength, resilience and boldness to carry the precepts of Your kingdom into the tiny slice of the world to which I have been placed. May I always do so with praise and thanksgiving to the Source of these gifts. Amen


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