John 21:1-11
verse 4: Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
There must be times I miss Jesus’ presence, or even miss His miracles. The disciples weren’t expecting Jesus to show up. They weren’t looking for him. But there He was, with help and comfort for them. Jesus can still appear to me, through the Holy Spirit, both in me and in others. Am I ready to see Him, when he helps me by moving in another as the Holy Spirit? Do I thank God for each generous gift? When someone else acts in the name of the Holy Spirit, do I recognize this? This is impossible to do perfectly, but I think God is telling us He is everywhere, and in everything, ready to comfort and help us. We need only open our eyes to Him.
Holy One, you are everywhere, in all things. Your love and mercy, comfort in all trials, is everywhere. I only need to open my eyes and be aware. When I live for you, I will recognize you. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
John 21: 1-11
Peter says I’m going fishing. After all it is what he does best. The others go along with him. Is it possible that the relationship they had with Jesus is over and they return to their old way of living. After a whole night on the lake they catch nothing. As day breaks Jesus is standing on the shore but as usual they do not recognize him. Jesus tells them to cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some. So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish. Peter knew where Jesus had found him and was confident that…
John 21:9 - “When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread.”
The dramatic tension is building rapidly in this part of John’s Gospel, especially around Simon Peter and the number three. Peter boasted the night of the Last Supper he would never forsake Jesus yet Jesus told him that before the rooster heralded morning, Peter would have denied Him three times. That indeed occurred in front of a charcoal fire. Jesus rose on the third day and this scene was his third post-Resurrection appearance before the disciples. Seeing Jesus standing by a charcoal fire must have pierced Peter’s heart. Immediately after this Jesus will ask Peter three times, “Do you love…
John 21: 1-11
10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.”
12 Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” One of the disciples dared not ask him, “Who are you?” they knew it was the Lord.
Jesus feeds his people. He feeds me today with the wisdom of understanding. The wisdom of knowing Jesus and all that he represents is how my faith is shaped. It is through the grace of God that I am the person I am today. He holds me up and never gives up on me.
Dearest Lord, you give me the wisdom and understanding to know you through the Bible readings. Your love for me is so great…