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A Daily Devotion for Friday, July 5

James 3:17

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

This is such solid truth—the sort of wisdom that keeps us in God’s will. If I am wondering about a decision, worrying and weighing each side, I should turn to this verse. As we have read about discernment, God’s will, and wisdom, I think I see better how they fit together. But the more important step is allowing this knowledge and understanding to guide my decisions and my actions all the time. I should never allow selfishness or conceit to be part of the process.

Holy Lord, you have been so gracious and generous to me. Help me to see your will, to discern the truth and the right way to be and to go. I will always want to be a better person, even when I have lost my way. Amen

Becky, transforming

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James 3:17

James does a wonderful job with this verse. He has given us all we need to discern who and what we should follow and how we need to behave. I see in today’s society that the most difficult to follow would be “willing to yield to others.” Society seems to think there must be only one right way or one right person. This is not so!

Prayer: Gracious God, although we should not judge, may we use these words to discern our own behaviors as well as that of others. Amen


Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
05 de jul.

Friday, July 5th 2024

James 3:17

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

This verse has so much information that I decided to take each section and apply it to myself. Verse 17 says, But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. Do  I have an on going  commitment to God and His ways. Do I have a pure devotion to God. Am I dedicated to following Jesus and His Word. Verse 17 also says that God’s wisdom is also peace loving. Do I intentionally work at bringing order, stability, and understanding into a relationship or situation. Do I avoid conflict or…


05 de jul.

James 3:17

The book of James is packed with practical guidance for living the Christian life daily. If I faithfully reflect these characteristics of wisdom as outlined by James, the door to faith-sharing and discipleship could be opened to people who do not know God. Learning to do this requires discernment sharpened by staying in the Word then bringing it the the world by speech and actions. What an awesome privilege and responsibility we have been given.

Prayer- God of wisdom, let me be wise, not as the world views wisdom, but as the Holy Spirit imparted the divine meaning to James. Then empower me to pass it on to others. Amen


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