John 5:30-38
verse 30: “By myself I can do nothing. I judge only as I hear, and my judgement is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.“
I have to admit, today’s passage brings up many more questions for me than answers or insights. I look forward to reading the thoughts of others. Verse 30 surprised me, when I read Jesus’ words: “By myself I can do nothing.” It is almost as if we are hearing the Jesus who is fully man, without the “fully divine.” Jesus is pointing out where his power originates. As Jesus the man, he is only a man. We are all as powerless as Jesus the man, until we accept God’s spirit.
Holy Father, help me to experience your power dwelling in me. Help me to utilize your Spirit for good whenever I have the opportunity. Teach me more, Lord. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Tom
John 5: 30-38
36 I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish---the very works that I am doing---testify that the Father has sent me.
Believing in Jesus and what I have learned from reading the Bible seems so easy to me. Perhaps that is because I have known about him all through my life. Sometimes I have doubt, and I am ashamed of those thoughts, and I attempt to find my way back. I often think of how awful it must be to not believe in Jesus. But then I realize that people are so full of pride, ambition, and love of the world, that there is no room…
John 5:30-38 These verses tell us the incredible sacrifice that Christ made in order to save His people from their sins.. He set aside His heavenly glory and almighty power and only said and did those things that He heard from the Father. The Son of God was born into the human race, to live as the perfect, Son of Man - and to die as the innocent sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. He set aside His own will to carry out the will of the Father. Jesus informed them that he was living His life as God created man to live.. in total dependence on the Father - only doing those things He heard from God. Jesu…
John 5 : 37-38 - “And the Father who sent me has himself testified on my behalf. You have never heard his voice or seen his form, and you do not have his word abiding in you, because you do not believe him whom he has sent.”
Jesus offers a sad commentary on the human condition. God gave us the glories of creation but humankind did not see God in it. God sent prophet after prophet to the children of Israel and they would repent for a time then forget God. God sent John the Baptist to proclaim the kingdom is at hand and as Jesus says in v35 of today’s reading, people listened for a while but he was…