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A Daily Devotion for Friday, Feb. 5

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Matthew 8:1-8

Mark 2:1-12

Luke 5:17-26

In these passages Jesus heals a paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof of the home Jesus was visiting. The Pharisees begin thinking to themselves Jesus must be blaspheming, because no one but God Himself can forgive sins. Jesus knows their thoughts and essentially says,”It doesn’t matter what words I say about this. Watch what I do. This will show you who I am.”

The phrase “The devil is in the details” popped into my head while I was meditating on these passages. This generally means the details are vitally important and often very difficult in any project. The details are often the hardest part. But I think the Pharisees, in their suspicious and envious way, were looking at only the details, to find a way to bring Jesus down. The tendency to look beyond the big picture to argue details is age old. “Don’t miss the forest for the trees.” When I see God’s creation, all of the power He holds, I seem to always want to “figure it out.” This is beyond my ability, and is not God’s will. God will show me the trees I need to see, and meanwhile I am to live in, and enjoy, the forest.

Holy One, Creator of all things, all details and all forests, I am thankful. I bow down before you in thanks. Amen

Becky, transforming

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