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A Daily Devotion for Friday, April 2

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Matthew 27:1-66

Mark 15:1-47

Luke 22:66 to 23:56

John 18:28 to 19:37

Today, Good Friday, marks the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus knew very well what was happening, but I wonder what his disciples were thinking and feeling. They did not stop Judas, they did not stand up and defend Jesus to the crowd, they did not do anything brave or meaningful to prevent Jesus’ death. And then after his death, those three days! They must have felt completely destroyed: guilty, heartbroken, disappointed, afraid. I am so thankful to now know the whole story- at least the part God wants us to know! But this reminds me again how important it is to believe, to have faith, and to behave in a way which reflects that faith.

Holy One, we are the recipients of all that is good, from you. I am so thankful. I recognize Jesus’ death as a sacrifice for all of my sins. I don’t deserve such love, but that is how you are. May I live a life reflecting that love outward, every minute. May I never forget Jesus’ sacrifice for me. Amen

Becky, transforming

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