Isaiah 53:2-6
Verse 6: We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
This verse encapsulates for me part of God’s plan which I feel I will never be able to understand. Apart from the obvious amazing part, the prophesying of Jesus’ coming to earth, we also read about the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. I don’t understand why this would have been planned. But I know God wants all men to come to Him. Different messages reach different people. The intricacies of God’s plan are not meant to be understood by man. I need to be more comfortable with faith and not always try to rely on my own brain and “understanding”.
God, I know you have had a plan since the beginning of time. It is your plan, not man’s plan. I am thankful whenever you open my eyes a little further to see and understand more of you. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
Isaiah 53:2-6
Jesus was despised and rejected (Isaiah 53-3) yet he never seemed to let it bother him. I am sure he felt pain just as you and I do when we experience rejection but he never let it prevent him from fulfilling his purpose. Remembering that he was both human and God at the same time, reminds me how powerful he was to disregard human rejection. Jesus told his disciples not to be concerned about rejection because in reality people who rejected them were actually rejecting Jesus. It has taken me a life time not to concern myself with the opinion of people. I still find myself in situations where I feel less important, but I can reco…
Thank you for your insight and beautiful pictures to give us such a positive start to our day.
Isaiah 53: 2-6
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah’s predictions of things to come is very real to us today. To think of all Jesus suffered for us. The trials and tribulations he endured, the bruises and blows, the pain, the foul words, all endured for us. Through all his suffering, Jesus kept possession of his own soul. To think we inflicted this pain on the one person who loved us more than life itself. And we did it intentionally every time we sinned. To think that God sent his Son to us, put hi…
Isaiah 53:2-6 I can’t count the number of times I have sung the words of verse 6 in various Cantatas, all using some variation of this verse. It is part of Handel’s Messiah as well. “All we like sheep have gone astray, all we have turned to our own way...”. How true this is to all of us as humans. We get complacent and begin to believe that all we have is because of our own hard work. We have forgotten our shepherd and all he brings to our lived, especially direction. We need to remember his teachings and follow them, not ourselves. Prayer: Gracious God please remind me when I stray to my own desires and forget to follow the…
Isaiah 53:2-6
Isaiah’s prophecy of the suffering servant is the clearest Old Testament foretelling of the life and sacrificial death of Jesus and it remains breathtaking on every reading. Over the years, it has become harder and harder for me to see people or even animals suffering. Even hearing a child cry brings a tear to my eye. The thought of what Jesus went through, even for those who indeed despised Him is overwhelming. “I can scarcely take it in” as the hymnist once wrote. Yet He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” What astonishing love is this. If I can give a fraction back, that would be a life well-lived.
Prayer - Jesus, how…