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A Daily Devotion for December 3, Thursday

Luke 2:25-35

Verse 26: It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.

For some reason, Simeon was one of few chosen to experience the Holy Spirit. When he was moved by the Spirit to head to the temple that day, he was probably on the lookout for something special, something different. When he saw Mary and Joseph and Jesus, he knew. I know the Holy Spirit also lives in me. Do I listen for God’s direction? Often when I pray I find myself thinking back to remember all of the people and things I would like to ask God to help with. I know I spend very little time listening for the Spirit’s direction for me. All of the verses this week have included God sending messages to individual people. They needed to be listening. I need to be listening.

Holy Father, Starting now, during this Advent season, I will try harder to listen for you. I do not want to miss hearing your message for me. Thank you for your unending grace. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
03 dic 2020

Luke 2:25-35 I love the story of Simeon. He was such a true man of God. He believed what the Holy Spirit had told him about seeing the Messiah and he understood it when he saw Mary and Joseph with the babe. I read this passage several times and the words Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace came to mind. Simeon loved his Lord and his work at the temple. He kept the hope of seeing the messiah always in his heart. What joy he felt when he first saw the child, and now he could die in peace having witnessed all this. Each Sunday we are lighting the candles of our advent wreath. The candles of hope, love, joy, an…

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
03 dic 2020

Thursday 12/3 Luke 2:25-35 The Holy Spirit was upon Simeon. Prior to Pentecost the Holy Spirit only came upon a select few, and only for a short while so they could accomplish a specific task for God.. Because Simeon had the Holy Spirit upon him, he was specially chosen by God to do something specific. Simon was very old but waited impatiently for the task to be given to him. The specific task given to Simeon was that he would be a witness to the birth of the Messiah. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. The day came for Simeon. He came by the Spirit…

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03 dic 2020

Luke 2: 25-35

34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will piece your own soul too.”

Today Jesus is looked upon with love and affection to those who believe in him, but for many his holiness and truth are denied. His followers are still spoken against. As we look forward to his birth, we embrace Christ and look forward to his life here on earth. Jesus will suffer and because of this his mother will suffer as…

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03 dic 2020

Luke 2:25-35

Mary and Joseph must have suffered constant abuse and difficulties from the time that the angel Gabriel first visited Mary until they met Simeon. They marveled at his words but they must also have felt encouraged that their suffering was not in vain. Following what the Lord had directed them to do would change the world. Mary’s pictures often show her with her heart outside her body, pierced with knives because of what Simeon predicted.

Lord these verses tell us again that following your word will lead to changes for the good. We may not change the world but every little bit helps. Amen.

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03 dic 2020

Luke 2:34-35 - “Then Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, ‘This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed—and a sword will pierce your own soul too.’”

Strange words to follow a blessing, no? The angel did not mention opposition or swords when telling Mary the divine mission of the baby she carried. The Magi knew the child’s significance, but did they also know He would be opposed and killed and not say this to Mary? Was there a single day in her life she did not think of this moment with Simeon?…

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