Dear Family and Friends of Contoocook United Methodist Church,
Advent: New Beginning
Christian calendar ends on Thanksgiving Sunday and starts at Advent with the preparation for the birth of Christ and expectation for the second coming of Christ. For Advent 2020, our church is going to look at the book, Not a Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem, written by Adam Hamilton together. If you would like to get a copy, feel free to contact me at gilpyo.lee@gmail.com or 603-290-9436.
Weekly Gathering at 7 pm every Tuesday via Zoom
We share an individual’s thoughts, meditation, insights, or ideas on the readings or scriptures. Everyone is welcome to join Tuesday Sharing Time at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3035851917?pwd=bzQ2NnJwOGJrS1FWTzZaY1d6TWVwUT09.
Chapter 1 Beginning with the End (7 pm, 12/1)
Chapter 2 The Piercing of Mary’s Soul (7 pm, 12/8)
Chapter 3 Amazed, Astounded, and Astonished (7 pm, 12/15)
Chapter 4 Mary, Full of Grace (7 pm, 12/22)
Chapter 5 It Was Not a Silent Night (7 pm, 12/29)
So happy to have you join us Marilyn 🤗💯
I am looking forward to this.