Update from Angi in Nicaragua:
Good morning,
Here in Managua, we have had no more strong winds nor the torrential rains that were predicted. There has been only a sustained drizzle of rain and a few more power outages. It seems that the storm is continuing to move north to Honduras and may be headed to Florida.
So far, we have heard from many of the river communities and although there is flooding, no one has been hurt. Apparently, most farmers on the river have only planted corn so far and it is a hardy crop. The rest of their crop will be planted next month.
We just received a phone call from Xiomara, Peanut's mom. They live in the river community of Siviwas and we had not been able to reach them.
They experienced three days of strong winds and rain, causing some flooding into some of the houses. The church and new school were miraculously not damaged. The corn and yucca plants were blown down but the crop can be salvaged.
So, this hurricane has now moved on. We are saddened for the people in the coastal towns who experienced the brunt of this storm and will need to rebuild and start over.
The communities on the river, the local barrios and we, as a family, were spared.
We are so thankful for all of you who have been praying for our safety and for the people of this country!! Please continue to pray for the community of Siviwas IV as well as Puerto Cabezas and other coastal towns as they were hit very hard by this hurricane.
We thank all of you for joining us in prayer. It was a tremendous source of comfort to know that you were there with us in spirit.
Ronnie, Angi & Peanut