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Daily Prayer

Thursday August 19, 2021

A daily prayer from the New England Conference

The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today's Prayer

Daily Prayer for the Annual Conference Based on I Thessalonians 5.14-18 (NRSV) With our hearts and minds focused on God, in whose loving presence we live and move and have our being, let us pray for...

Those whom we love – those present with us and those from whom we are separated. . . (A time of silent prayer follows each petition)

The prisoners, and those held captive physically, mentally, or spiritually . . .

The sick and the suffering . . .

Those who care for the sick, both medical caregivers and families who wait and watch with them . . .

Those who mourn the loss of loved ones, the loss of freedom, the loss of security, the loss of a livelihood, or the loss of a sense of order and control . . .

Those with more questions than answers, and all who long for your guiding light for their path . ..

The lonely, the isolated, and those who long for a loving touch . . .

Those whose remaining days on this earth are few, and for those walking in the valley of the shadow of death . . .

Those whom we too easily forget, and those whose needs are known only to you . . .

God of compassion, hear our prayers; fill us with your grace, and inspire us to be instruments of mercy and love, for we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our hope and our peace. Amen.

(adapted from: Liturgy When We Cannot Meet ©2020 by The Order of Saint Luke) Rev. Elizabeth J. Bachelder Smith, Pastor, Lisbon UMC, Lisbon Falls, Maine and Local Lead Team Administrator, Western Maine Cohort, Neighborhood Seminary

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