July 2, 2021
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Prayer for New England United Methodists
Beautiful Creator, I give thanks to you this day for the opportunity to serve you through the New England Conference these past 17 years. This place of my birth, where my heart has sung and called home even when I served in far off places, and even now as I journey away again for such a time as this.
Bless this place, these people, and the possibilities that await us all.
Bless the pastors born here too and those whom God called from far off lands as they serve your people. May they never forget the day they felt your tug on their heart to follow you into ministry. May they not lose heart when faced with surmounting obstacles to make disciples of all people. May they always love abundantly and share your radical hospitality with their communities, especially those who are not in their churches.
Bless the laity who faithfully build up one another and give generously of their time and talent and treasure so that the world might be transformed in life-giving ways. May they strive to grow and learn and change so that new life can blossom. May they continue to share their gifts in their faith communities especially where there are shortages of clergy.
Bless the conference staff as they seek to equip and empower the clergy and laity and congregations across these six New England states. May they be good stewards of the resources shared in mission and given in trust. May they listen well and lead in love and wisdom.
Bless our conference leaders, lay and clergy, who serve on boards and agencies, caring for the many responsibilities of The United Methodist Church. May they constantly discern what you would have them do, where you would have them go, how you would want them to spend time and resources. May they embrace the technological discoveries of this past year and include more willing participants in the ministry and mission.
Bless our jurisdictional and general conference delegation. May they be steeped in prayer, listening, learning and growing together toward a vision for the UMC and especially New England, that honors your beloved community.
Bless Bishop Devadhar as he continues as our spiritual and temporal leader in double overtime. May he continue to open wide the doors of the church and his heart to all your children. May he and Prema have good health, energy, and stamina for these next 18 months in your service to New England and beyond.
For all your people here and elsewhere who call themselves United Methodist, may they embrace the gift of connection, may they heed your call, may they dare to challenge the status quo and worn out traditions, may they build and dream together a creative expression of your greatest imagination.
In gratitude and thanksgiving for the people and place that I love, Your companion in Christ, Erica Robinson-Johnson
Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Connectional Ministries 2013-2021 Appointed now to serve among the people of Baltimore Washington and Peninusula Delaware Conferences for such a time as this