May 31, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
I was really inspired by this prayer, "Come, Holy Spirit" by Sue Henley, that can be found in Creative Resources for Worship edited by Maren C. Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirabassi. It is based on Acts 2:1-21.
Come, Holy Spirit
Speak in the swaying, swirling leaves,
That sing and dance in summer sunlight.
Whisper in the warm wind as I await your Word.
The silence speaks only of you,
Holy sound sending
Fickle, fleeting, fluttering shadows l
like birds in flight,
calling out, singing, rejoicing in rhythmic refrain,
with spontaneity of Spirit.
O God, weave your Word of wholeness into our broken world.
Let us become patriots who act for you, for the poor, for all in need.
We hear the breeze of brokenness within and beyond our borders.
We hear the song of silent suffering
Of the refuges, of rejection and resentment.
May we be vessels of reconciliation.
May we flee to you with our fragile, fragmented, fearful world.
We are made in your image! Is this your image?
We cry out with you, “No!”
May we shed sunlight where shadows of shame linger.
May we recognize our responsibility to the marginalized,
To those who dance in darkness:
The darkness of depression, despair, economic deprivation,
Racism, sexism, and white privilege.
Open us to the cries of injustice.
Holy Spirit, move upon the waters of economic inequalities,
Educational unfairness, health care dilemma,
That those who are “privileged” might use their power to empower
Those struggling to make ends meet day by day,
To pay the bills, the rent, to pay for transportation, food and clothing.
You who are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Let us not be content to stay the same
Yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Change us to fulfill your work.
Thy realm come … now.
By Rev. Megan Stowe, Commonwealth West District Superintendent