March 3, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today’s Prayer
Prayer based on Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 Promise keeping God. In the face of all you have done and given, how else can we come to you but with grateful hearts? How do we respond to your abundance, care, grace, and provision, if not with thanksgiving? In what ways can we witness how your love and presence have touched us and transformed us, if not in acknowledgement, generosity and kindness towards others? You are the God who calls us. The God who covenants with those who wander. You make a way and journey with us. Your invitation to be in relationship with us is driven and dependent upon your goodness that never changes. In a love that is incomprehensible yet experienced through and through. You know us. You know our thoughts. You know our joys and celebrate with us our accomplishments. You know our anxieties. You know our toils and our struggles. You see us as we are. Complex and beautiful. We are able to celebrate your faithfulness when we take time to remember it. We recognize, even only for a moment, the power of your grace in our lives when we pause to name and recall it. And when we do we are filled with gratitude for your amazing grace towards us. Help us in our remembrance because when life happens we sometimes forget. Help us in times of affliction, when we struggle to find meaning or purpose. Help us when our strength fails us. Help us to recall that you called us also when we wandered, and that you are true to your promise to save us. Promise keeping God, help us remember your goodness to us. Help us to recall how your grace called, healed and transformed us. Because when we remember it, we recall the power that is in us to transform our world. Rev. Wanda Santos-Perez, Chicopee UMC, Commonwealth West District Committee on Ordained Ministry.