Jan. 23, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
God of our childhood and adulthood, we wonder what it would be like to wander again in the places of our childhood. The places where we were formed as children by our parents, teachers, pastors, friends and all who were part of our lives. We remember the times when we succeeded, but there were the other times when we learned from our mistakes. In this time of Covid, it feels as though many things we are learning all over again. Church is online, groceries are delivered, family time is on Zoom, which mask should I wear, when is my booster due, so much is new and unfamiliar. When Jesus came home to Nazareth in the midst of his ministry, the people could not receive his teaching the way he had been received outside his hometown. He spoke the good news and they responded with judgement and questioning. Help us to recognize that Jesus continues to bring good news to us every day especially in these strange times. Make us ready to receive the gift of the Lord’s favor in the midst of this pandemic not with judgement and questioning, but with open hearts and joy. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
By Rev. Dr. Wesley Palmer, Executive Director, Preachers' Aid Society Based on Luke 4: 14-21