July 10, 2021
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Holy One, David danced in joy before you and was despised by some for his exuberant outburst, They did not understand how pleased you were by his honest love for you. This is our history. If we have learned from it, we would not repeat it. Yet, if we are honest, we would admit that we still despise our brothers and sisters who worship differently than we do. Some are too exuberant. Some are not expressive enough. We are legalistic and judgmental and place more importance on our practices than we place on loving you and each other. Forgive us, Holy One. Forgive our foolishness. Forgive our hard hearts. Help us Lord place love above what makes us comfortable. Help us to love you and your other children with all of our hearts and minds. Then, Lord, take our purified hearts as our sacrifice to you. Amen. Rev. Dr. Jacquelyn Brannen, Katahdin District Superintendent 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19