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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for October 9, 2020

October 9, 2020

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, members of the Seacoast District of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today's Prayer

Based on Philippians 4:1-9

Loving and gracious Father, you have told us to be anxious for nothing, but we are always anxious about so many things: our children, school, our health, our jobs, covid-19, finances and a myriad of things. We know that worry is not your will for our lives. We pray that you show us how to live our lives resting on your promises of peace and rest.  Help us like Paul to be contented in all circumstances of life, whether we find ourselves in humble means or endowed with more prosperous surroundings.  Give us a contented heart that looks to Jesus for our strength, support and our supply. Help us to live as you intended…. to rejoice continually, to pray without ceasing and to give thanks in all things, knowing that this is your will for our lives. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. By: Pastor Wanda J. Greaves Pastor of Bethel Community and Versailles UMC, Seacoast district

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