October 27, 2020
A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis
During these difficult days, the Preachers' Aid Society is sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today’s prayer
Shepherd Lord based on REV 7:13-17
Shepherd Lord we need You: We are lost, stumbling down unfamiliar roads wearing our face masks over our eyes. We seem to be unable to tell the difference between Truth and Untruth. Our ears are blocked by the ranting and shouting of the crowds around us. Light is Darkness and Darkness is Light in the words of our leaders 1000 of our Brothers and Sisters die each day in this nation alone because we will not listen to those who know how to protect us. Our Leaders serve themselves rather than us. We cannot find our Way. Shepherd Lord, we need You. Come Lord. Lead us to safety. Wash our eyes that we may see clearly again. Quiet the Sounds of raging voices so that we may hear you again. Take our hands as we stumble and lead us back to safe and stable ground. Wrap us in your Love and carry us through these days. Lord God, Lord Jesus, Shepherd Lord, Come to us Holy One, we need You. Be with us.
Written by Rev. Richard Swan retired elder from Gilford, NH.
His we pray in Jesus name.... amen