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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for March 30, 2021

Writer's picture: GilGil

March 30, 2021

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar and members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.

You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today’s prayer

On this day of the Holy Week, Our eyes yearn to turn toward the Easter morning yet our hearts remain shattered in the numbing darkness of hatred, violence, and senseless death … and we wait … in the tomb. O God of the Holy Week Will you show up and tear down the veil in every heart that keeps from seeing, celebrating and sharing your Holiness dwelling in every heart regardless of which skin color they have, which language they speak, whom they love, and which past they have? Will you remove the shroud of gun violence, death-dealing racism and white superiority that have wrapped this nation dead to your dream of peaceful and just Kin-dom? Will you wipe away tears from all faces, tears not just from their eyes but from their souls that have endured the degrading insults and the patronizing discrimination? Will you roll away the stone of hierarchy, greed, and domination that has kept your creation in the tomb of poverty, pollution, and war? O God of the Holy Week Our souls ache in the tomb of “how long?” Our spirits are tired of the tombs that this world makes to keep all from cut off from you and from one another as your children? Will you enter into the tomb in our soul and prepare and share a table with us? Will you swallow up all fear-mongering and death-dealing things that all may only to know how live and love? On this day of the Holy Week, Our eyes are still gazing toward the Easter morning yet our hearts are still shattered in the darkness in and around us … and we still wait … yet with the gladness to have our tomb companion, Jesus Christ, and with hope in the tomb-breaking power of Resurrection, nourished by your Table around which you call and welcome all people for a feast of life, love, and peace. Amen.

Rev. We Hyun Chang, Commonwealth East District Superintendent Inspired by Isaiah 25:6-9?

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