May 17, 2021
A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis
During these difficult days, members of the clergy class of 2020 are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today’s prayer
Born out of the lectionary readings for Pentecost. Holy Spirit, flame and breath, Burn in my life and warm me to your presence. Melt the barriers which restrain me from participating in your kindom. Consume the crates and categories which keep me from seeing your image in each of your children. Enter my being in every inhalation and bring these bones to life so I may participate in your healing work. Free my tongue with every exhalation that I might speak your language of grace and bear witness to your glory. I remain alive in you. Amen.
Rev. Kathleen Decker-Szakas, Highland Avenue UMC, Gardiner, ME