Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
It is so much easier to forgive when forgiveness is requested. There is that sense that the offender realizes they have hurt you or wronged you, and they want to make it right. When there is no apology, it is rough. We must forgive, but the one who has wronged us has not been made to face the damage they have done. God forgives us before we ask for forgiveness. But now I realize the importance of asking God for forgiveness; it is the recognition of our sin against God. It is acknowledging we hurt God by sinning.
Heavenly Father, I have hurt you with my sins, and I am sorry. I ask for your forgiveness. Help me to be gracious and forgiving to others, even when they do not acknowledge their meanness. Amen
Becky, transforming
Colossians 3:13 Forgiveness doesn’t come easy. If someone has hurt, wounded, or abused me/you in some way, the last thing we’re thinking about is forgiving them. It is so unhealthy if we are thinking about punishing and inflicting pain on them since they inflicted pain on us. It’s a good thing Jesus doesn’t share that mindset. None of us would have a chance. We’d all be in big trouble. I am an imperfect person and imperfect people need a lot of forgiveness,on an ongoing basis. More often than I would like to admit. I need forgiveness from God and from others. The implications of this are mind-boggling, and necessary for me to come to grips with. I need t…
Colossians 3:13
Paul, like Jesus before him, emphasizes the root of our forgiving others is not in our nature, but in God’s forgiveness of us. Only by tapping into this supernatural power can we find the strength and conviction to forgive the most grievous sins against us. We can practice and build that strength by making every effort to forgive the small stuff. One way is by trying to see through the eyes of the offender. Was the person who cut you off in traffic rushing home because he got a call his daughter had been hurt? Was the clerk In the store rude to you because she was distracted by the news her father had been diagnosed with cancer?…
Colossians 3:13 Make allowances for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord for gave you, so you must forgive others. Make allowances for each other’s faults…… We must remember that we are all works in progress. I believe this line includes ourselves. Do we recognize our own faults? Do we realize that those faults may have offended someone? Have we asked for forgiveness and have we offered it without being asked? Do we realize that every time we say the Lords prayer we ask for forgiveness and say that we forgive others. Do we realize what we are saying? I hope so. Prayer: Gracious God, strengthen my ability to forgive others and ask you for forgiveness. Amen
Colossians 3: 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Forgiveness brings us peace. Letting a grievance fester make us unhappy and angry people. When I think of how many times God has forgiven me, I thank him. If God held a grudge I would have no hope of eternal life. God is so understanding and forgiving.
Dearest Lord, thank you for your understanding. Send the Holy Spirit to me so that I never hold a grudge. Your forgiving nature is a gift and I thank you for that. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.