Genesis 3:12-13
The man said, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"
The woman said, "The servant deceived me, and I ate."
These verses seem almost humorous when we read them today. Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the serpant. Neither takes ownership of what they have done. They messed up quite early on in the story! This can be described then as original sin. We all tend in this direction, I guess, even with our knowledge of God. We want to be seen in a good light, even when we have not earned it, so we pass on the sin or the blame to someone else. I wonder how God would have responded to this original sin if Adam and Eve had taken responsibility for their actions right from the start?
Holy Lord, when I blame someone else for something, I need to look hard at my own actions and take responsibility. You are all knowing, all seeing, yet full of grace. I am sorry for my sins-help me to see them clearly and repent. Amen
Becky, transforming
Genesis 3:12-13
Excuses, excuses, excuses! Obviously God created complex, flawed human beings. And it goes on to this day. Too many people do not take responsibility for their actions, but try to pass it off on someone else. Not much has changed. We are often quick to deflect to others our own wrong doings.
Prayer: Gracious God, when will we learn to take responsibility for our own actions? Amen
Genesis 3:12-13
I too chuckle at this scripture growing up there was a lot of pointing the finger to our other siblings there are four of us but more to the point “I didn’t do it” but the guilt and lousy feeling that oneself is left with because you know you did it and just didn’t want to get in “trouble”is not easy to deal with so it was two sins breaking the rules then lying about it! These sins have been around for a long long time but we need to own them and learn from them and not keep repeating the original sins.
Dear Good and Grateful God,Help me to take claim for my actions and thoughts and…
Blaming others
Wednesday, March 20th, 2023
Genesis 3:12-13
The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
Do not imitate Adam and Eve and refuse to accept responsibility for your sin; your sin is your sin and the liability for your sin belongs to you. Don’t blame someone else—the blame is yours. . Adam blamed his wife, and his wife blamed the serpent. But their attempts at denial were not successful—God pronounced a curse upon each of them. Our sin is not the…
Genesis 3:12-13
The blame shifting that began in the Garden has been developed into an art form and it is not the sole province of little children. A quick look at all the seemingly ridiculous warning labels on various products gives one a history of lawsuits against companies for their careless misuse by a consumer. A survey of our overburdened and bloated tort system reveals a virtual absence of individual responsibility. Every unfavorable outcome is somebody else’s fault and they are going to pay for it. More often than not, the target of the suit will agree to some settlement to make the case go away, which only perpetuates the practice. We remain no better, and in many ways worse,…