Luke 2: 41-52
verse 51: Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.
Mary is on my mind and in my heart lately, with our small group study and readings through advent. Mary knew so much, but at the same time probably knew (with certainty) very little. Yet she was so open and so willing to do her part as parent to a very special child. She remembered and treasured what she had been told along with what she was experiencing. I had forgotten she and Joseph had travelled for an entire day before they realized Jesus was not with the family. And then they searched for three days in Jerusalem. Those were certainly very different times, but they still must have been worried. And Jesus’ explanation: “why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”Mary’s response was to move forward, and to treasure all of this in her heart. She must have understood he was doing what he needed to do. I want to be more like Mary- calm, accepting, and willing to treasure in my heart what I don’t understand. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen
Becky, transforming
Luke 2: 41-52
Perhaps Jesus hadn’t shown any signs of curiosity and so his parents couldn’t imagine him hanging out in the temple. Mary expects Jesus to behave a certain way and Jesus expects his mother to know why he isn’t. The problem is that Jesus and his parents have two different understandings of who Jesus’ Father is. Mary tells Jesus that she and his father have been searching anxiously. The message is plain to any child who stays out all night and upon returning home is greeted with a parent’s frantic, “Do you know how worried I was?” But Jesus responds that he’s been in his Father’s house, about his Father’s business. I wonder just how Jesus said it.…
Luke 2: 41-52
5 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.
Perhaps this was one of the times that Mary knew her son was different and destined for more than being a carpenter. Mary got a small glimpse of what her son was about when they found him in the temple. I am sure as time went on and Jesus grew up, Mary saw that he was different. She kept all this happiness and pain in her heart. I believe Jesus knew from an early age that he was destined for great things. After all he had an inside connection to God the Father.
Luke 2:41-53
47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.
At the age of 12 years Jesus knew the word of God better than the teachers because he was God in human form. It is not surprising that he amazed the listeners. We are learning to envision what it was like for Jesus and for his mother during their lives. I would think that Jesus returned to Nazareth and followed in Joseph’s business, but he would likely continue talking to local leaders and amazing them. However, it may have been God’s plan for him to mature for 18 years before starting his ministry.
Dear Lord thank you for leading me down this path of thoughtfulness…
Luke 2:52 - “ And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor.”
With this single verse of 14 words Jesus goes from age 12 to 29 or 30. As I think back on my experiences between those same ages I remain dumbfounded that no trustworthy record of those years has ever been found. I suppose it is possible Mary could not read or write. In relating her memories of Jesus to the witnesses who did record the story, how could it be there was nothing in those years that promoted the Good News? It is yet another of the mysteries of faith. What we do know is enough to have split human history into…