James 4:6
But he gives us more grace. That is why scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
The verses just before this one remind us to avoid falling in love with the world. God gives grace to those who remain apart from the world, either by choice or by circumstance. When we are broken, humbling ourselves before God is the only way to find peace. Turning to the world for our peace is likely to lead to more brokenness.
Father God, help me to remember always to turn to you. You are the source of all peace. The world will not provide me with happiness, but you fill me with joy. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
James 4:6
This chapter speaks to all of us. We all need to remember to be humble and this is a good reminder of this. It reminds me of things I learned growing up. Whatever you do I life always remember to do the job well and have satisfaction you did the right thing and do not boast about it. Be humble. I am so grateful to my parents and grandparents we had this guidance. It is by God's grace we are here and have what we have and not by our own works alone.
Dear God, Help us all to remember these profound words as we go through out week. Show kindness to others and BE HUMBLE. Amen.
James 4:6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
I could easily fall into a prideful nature. When this urge is felt I think about what God desires of us. Not to be prideful, because all that we are and have are a gift from Him. I should always attempt to walk in the spirit of truth. God will supply the grace needed to remain humble.
Dearest Lord, thank you for the grace you give that you give to me every day. I pray that I can always stay humble and remain devoted to you always. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Thursday, May 26th, 2022
James 4:6
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
The Holy Spirit that dwells within us wants to be part of our everyday live. He gives us more grace to overcome the tendencies of unfaithfulness to him. It is amazing how God gives us the power to defeat all of our sinful tendencies no matter where they are or how often they appear. Believing and leaning on God will produce wonderful changes in all of us. He also gives the greatest strength to live without being rejected by him because of our weakness while still growing in spiritually. Change does not come easy but …
James 4:6
Twice in this short verse we read that grace is given. God’s grace is not earned. There is no amount of good works that make one qualified to receive grace. In fact, even the person who does a great many good works specifically to proclaim to the world their worthiness is the opposite of humble. God has seen the brokenness of us all, yet gives us grace anyway. How could one not have faith in a God like this?
Prayer - Gracious God, walk with me in my brokenness and assure me of Your grace. Knowing I can never repay, I can only offer my humble thanks. Amen
James 4:6 It is important to read this entire section, James 4:1– 10. In my Bible this is titled drawing closer to God. We do live in a world that offers us more things than we need, but when we lose a loved one, or our marriage is broken, only humbling ourselves to God will bring us any peace – not the new car or the latest gadget. He offers us so much, but we need to stay close to him and read his words daily. Prayer: gracious God, made my earthly desire for things never draw me away from you. Amen