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A Daily Devotion for Monday, October 16

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

God is the Father of all things, and we all were brought to this earth for some purpose. I do love the image of God in Heaven surrounded by light, and the light never fading or moving away from Him (or from us). This is a good image to remember when we wonder, "where is God? I need him now!" God may be doing a new thing, maybe a beautiful thing, but God does not change. He is there, in His place in the light , loving us, waiting for us to turn to Him.

Holy Father, I have called to you, and you have comforted me. I can imagine you with my human mind, but I know you are beyond my imagination in every way. You have given us light as a symbol of your love and your eternal presence. I love you, Lord, and I am thankful. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
16 oct. 2023

Monday, October 17th, 2023

James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

As I grow in my spiritual maturity, God himself represents light and the darkness represents evil. Many times I lived in fear wondering what will happen next. Knowing that God represents the light, I am putting my trust in him and when I do I will fear no evil. I have learned that anything I have in my life that is good or brings joy is from God. He’s given me that gift. It has taken many years to understand this verse. Even today I stumble with su…


Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
16 oct. 2023

James 1:17

What spoke to me about this verse was the fact that God’s light, his goodness, and all his gifts never change. We can count on that. There are no shadows to his light unless we put them there—and we sometimes do—when we are grieving, when we doubt, and when we are angry. Thankfully, the strength of his light and our own faith let it shine through our troubles.

Prayer: Gracious God, How thankful I am that I know your light will always shine through my problems. Amen


Janet L. Thompson
Janet L. Thompson
16 oct. 2023

James 1:17

This scriptures says to me that even though shadows or darkness is around you, God’s light always shine through!

Dear God and Gracious God,

Always helping me to continue to see your shining light and as I pray the sun is shining through my window reminding me your always there. Amen


16 oct. 2023

James 1:17 Our closing hymn yesterday was “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” which features the King James version of James 1:17 with the lyric “there is no shadow of turning with Thee.” With light comes shadow, but the image of the heavenly lights being without shadow speaks poetically to the unchanging nature of God. God’s light is eternal and immutable and will shine through us if we let it be the sole, shadowless illumination of the way we live our lives.

Prayer - Thank You, Lord for Your heavenly lights. I pray that I can live all my days bathed in Your perfect light, avoiding the shifting shadows of worldly temptations. Amen


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