Matthew 6:19-21
”Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
These words seem simple enough, but leave me a little confused. Our culture does not allow us to give all we have away or live simply moment to moment. It is expensive to grow old in our world, and we don’t want to become a burden on anyone else. In spite of this, it is still more difficult for me to give up my time than my money. I do treasure my time, and am very aware of what I do with it. Maybe this is where I need to be more generous; let God know I am willing to use my time to promote/protect/represent His Kingdom here on earth.
Father God, I may think I am generous, but am I really generous with what I value the most? Help me to make better decisions with my time. I will listen. I will be ready to change. I want to be better. Amen
Becky, transforming
Matthew 6: 19-21
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Treasures in Heaven. When I look at my impression of heaven, I see a wonderful place with all of the wonderful people that were in my life and more. I attempt to build on this reward by giving help (monetary or otherwise) to the Church, to pray in private, to forgive someone, to attempt to share the gospel, to love my enemies. But the greatest reward from doing all of the things, will be seeing God face to face. I will attempt to live my life so that I can be in heaven with Jesus.
Dearest Lord, give me the grace to live my life…
Matthew 6:19–21 21. Your heart will always be where your treasure is. Where is your heart? What is your treasure? These are the questions I asked the children during a children’s sermon. In front of them was a large treasure chest. They were asked what might be in the chest. The youngest guessed jewels. The older ones guessed money. We talked about loving money and jewels and how that loving them might lead them away from God. Then we opened the chest. The chest was empty except for one item — a Bible. I told them that is our treasure. That is our roadmap to growing into a good person Jesus would be proud of. Read your Bible and memorize some verses…
Matthew 6:19-21
You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. I will always remember the first time I heard this. A former Pastor, Paula Pane gave this message some time ago. The simple fact is we can’t take anything with us when we die. No one can bring material wealth into eternity. Heaven and hell don’t have banks or parking garages. Money and belongings aren’t any good to us wherever we are going. What we have won’t change our circumstances when we die. No amount of possessions gives us a better or worse position after life. Jesus warned us about this when He said, (Matthew 6:19-21) Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destr…
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,”
Heaven remains a cosmic mystery to me and this iconic phrase from Matthew’s gospel is part of that mystery. Is there some account kept of every act of kindness, mercy or generosity for those who are heaven-bound? What does it mean when are day comes? Is it simply a rhetorical metaphor to encourage believers to tolerate the hardships of this life in anticipation of eternal life with God? Or is it simply a way to illustrate the evanescence of material riches versus the permanence of such acts? We must wait for the answers, but in the time we are given, if we take our faith seriously, we must act as best we…